About Amy
As an elite-level Sales and Leadership Coach for Southwestern Consulting, Amy Donaldson is an expert in recruiting, sales training, and coaching, helping individuals and teams to reach higher than they ever imagined. Amy has consistently landed in the top 10% in a variety of sales roles over the past 20 years.
Amy has a long history of sales and leadership experience. She is passionate about helping people break down barriers and coaching them to reach their God-given potential. With firsthand experience, Amy has recruited, interviewed, and hired dozens of sales professionals during her various careers. She is an expert in buying, selling, and management behavior, and understands how to adapt to the way people want to communicate. She has delivered sales training to a wide variety of industries and audiences around the country.
Amy Donaldson authored the best-selling book, Get Off the Cash Flow Roller Coaster! Her book was initially written as a playbook to help real estate agents enjoy consistent, predictable income. The strategies taught in her book have been utilized by thousands of professionals across multiple industries to take control of their businesses and their lives.
In her personal life, Amy enjoys pushing herself physically and mentally. As a competitive athlete, she holds a blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do and is the 2012 Oregon State Champion in Women’s Olympic Sparring. She has completed dozens of endurance events in a variety of settings. The events include Hood to Coast Relay, Reno-Tahoe Odyssey, Spokane to Sandpoint Relay, Bridge of The Goddess half-marathon, Cascade Lakes Relay, multiple RAGNAR and Rock & Roll events, plus several smaller races. Most of all, Amy is a devoted mom to one human child and one fur baby.

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