Vii oma meeskond uuele tasemele.

Olenemata sellest, kas soovid ühekordset treeningut või otsid oma organisatsioonile põhjalikku koolitusprogrammi, vajad kogenud ja piisavalt suurt meeskonda, kes suudab viia sinu inimesed järgmisele tasemele. Meie interaktiivne treening aitab viia su ettevõtte järgmisele tasemele – kohandame treeningu sinu meeskonna vajaduste ja valupunktide järgi.

Vii oma meeskond uuele tasemele.

Olenemata sellest, kas soovid ühekordset treeningut või otsid oma organisatsioonile põhjalikku koolitusprogrammi, vajad kogenud ja piisavalt suurt meeskonda, kes suudab viia sinu inimesed järgmisele tasemele. Meie interaktiivne treening aitab viia su ettevõtte järgmisele tasemele – kohandame treeningu sinu meeskonna vajaduste ja valupunktide järgi.

Milliseid tulemusi treening annab?

Võib-olla on sellest juba palju aega möödas, kui viimati oma inimestesse investeerisid. Või on osa sinu meeskonnaliikmeid lihtsalt rutiini kinni jäänud. Kas liidide klientideks konverteerimine võiks olla valdkond, kus su müügiinimestel on potentsiaali areneda? Kas sinu juhtidel on oma meeskonnaliikmete arendamiseks piisavalt oskusi?

Olenemata konkreetsest arengukohast võib treening aidata su meeskonnal avastada endas seninägematud võimed ja kire. Pane oma inimesed ühes suunas liikuma ja tundke koos rõõmu järgmisele oskustasemele jõudmisest.

Treeningust saadav kasu


0 %

Ettevõtted, mis investeerivad oma töötajate harimisse, teenivad 24% suuremat kasumimarginaali võrreldes nendega, kes seda ei tee.


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Ettevõtete keskmine investeeringute tootlus treeningult on 353%.


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Meie klientide tootlikkus kasvab treeningu tulemusena keskmiselt üle 25%!


Meie lihtne, kolmel aspektil (süsteemid, oskused, motivatsioon) põhinev metoodika aitab sul kasvatada oma tulusid, parandada meeskonna tootlikkust ja värvata rohkem inimesi. See testitud ja tõestatud lähenemine aitab su inimestel märkimisväärselt kasvada: nende oskused paranevad, nad on uskumatult hästi organiseeritud, entusiastlikud ja motiveeritud!

Treeningu ettevalmistamine ja kohandamine

Eelinfo kogumine

Kuna keegi teine ei tunne su ettevõtet sinust paremini, ei eelda me midagi, vaid võtame aega, et end selle hingeeluga kurssi viia. Selleks kasutame erinevaid meetodeid nagu töövarjupäevad, intervjuud, küsitlused jne.

Juhtkonnaga konsulteerimine

Kuna soovime, et treening oleks võimalikult sinu ettevõtte nägu, tutvustame taustauuringute tulemusi juhtkonnale ning töötame koos välja sobivaima lahenduse.

Treeningu sisu ettevalmistamine

Ehkki meil on sadu treeningmooduleid, hindavad kliendid eriti kõrgelt just seda, et kohandame treeningute sisu täpselt nende äri vajadustele. Kui tellid meilt treeningu, on selle sisu täpselt selline, nagu sinu inimestel on vaja.


Me ei „tee lihtsalt oma osa“. Treening saab olema ülimalt interaktiivne, et kõik meeskonnaliikmed kujundaksid endas uued harjumused.


Aitame sul oma meeskonna järgmisele tasemele viia! Vali meie pakutavatest treeningutest sobivaim:


Customized Training

Whether you’re looking to train a sales or leadership team or simply to offer a professional growth opportunity, we have a topic that fits your need. And as part of the oldest direct-selling company in the world, we know a thing or two about developing professionals. In fact, we’ve trained hundreds of thousands of people in more than 40 countries over the last decade. 
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Elevate Mortgage

If you hire new loan officers, you know getting them through the learning curve quickly is essential for their long-term success. Our live, virtual, 16-session course will equip them with the essential industry knowledge and sales skills they need to launch a successful, long-term mortgage career.
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Sales Platoon

Hiring salespeople can be challenging. Some people try to build their sales team by hiring college graduates or training first-time rookies on the principles of sales. Others try to lure top talent away from other organizations.
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Sales Kickoffs

Do you have a sales team that needs a fresh jolt of motivation? As part of the oldest direct-selling company in the nation, we have hundreds of modules of principle-based sales training and dozens of full-time, certified in-house trainers who can put on a dynamic custom conference for you at your headquarters or ours!


Leadership Labs

An organization can only grow as fast and as strong as they can grow their leaders. For more than 150 years, Southwestern has been in the business of developing successful leaders. Let us put on a focused, customized leadership training for you!


Webinar Series

At Southwestern Consulting, we believe in training that is continually reinforced. Training is not a one-time "event," but a process. Let us host a monthly or weekly sales, leadership, or professional development webinar series for your group. You pick the topic that you feel will best improve their skills and elevate their mindsets, and we will deliver.


Customized Training

Whether you’re looking to train a sales or leadership team or simply to offer a professional growth opportunity, we have a topic that fits your need. And as part of the oldest direct-selling company in the world, we know a thing or two about developing professionals. In fact, we’ve trained hundreds of thousands of people in more than 40 countries over the last decade. 
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Elevate Mortgage

If you hire new loan officers, you know getting them through the learning curve quickly is essential for their long-term success. Our live, virtual, 16-session course will equip them with the essential industry knowledge and sales skills they need to launch a successful, long-term mortgage career.
Learn More


Sales Platoon

Hiring salespeople can be challenging. Some people try to build their sales team by hiring college graduates or training first-time rookies on the principles of sales. Others try to lure top talent away from other organizations.
Learn More


Sales Kickoffs

Do you have a sales team that needs a fresh jolt of motivation? As part of the oldest direct-selling company in the nation, we have hundreds of modules of principle-based sales training and dozens of full-time, certified in-house trainers who can put on a dynamic custom conference for you at your headquarters or ours!


Leadership Labs

An organization can only grow as fast and as strong as they can grow their leaders. For more than 150 years, Southwestern has been in the business of developing successful leaders. Let us put on a focused, customized leadership training for you!


Webinar Series

At Southwestern Consulting, we believe in training that is continually reinforced. Training is not a one-time "event," but a process. Let us host a monthly or weekly sales, leadership, or professional development webinar series for your group. You pick the topic that you feel will best improve their skills and elevate their mindsets, and we will deliver.


Vii oma äri Southwestern Consultinguga järgmisele tasemele! Vali üks meie pakutavatest konsultatsioonitoodetest:

Multiracial business people having meeting
Focused young businesswoman working on electronic documents
Modern bright city view through eyeglasses

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