Learn how to reach the decision-maker.

It’s the universal challenge in sales – actually having a conversation with the decision-maker. You’re not alone, but you’re also not stuck! Learn successful strategies to reach the decision-maker in our free guide.


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If you’ve been in sales for any length of time, you know it’s the universal challenge – how to reach the person you actually need in order to be able to offer your services. How successful you are at reaching the decision-maker can make or break your career in sales.

You may be wondering, how can I reach the decision-maker the first time, without playing weeks of phone tag? How can I convince their receptionist to put me through? If I have to leave a voice mail, what should I say in order to get a call back?

At Southwestern Consulting, we feel your pain. Our professional Sales and Leadership Coaches have conducted over half a million hours of training and been in more than 40,000 offices just like yours worldwide. And we’ve learned a thing or two about sales along the way – certain techniques that work and those that don’t.

About Southwestern Consulting

Southwestern Consulting is made up of three main divisions – coaching, training, and speakers. We provide 1:1 sales and leadership coaching, customized trainings and conferences, as well as a dedicated speakers bureau. Over the past decade we’ve coached more than 20,000 professionals in over 13 countries around the world, including delivering more than 600,000 hours of training.

See what people are saying about Southwestern Coaching here. Let us know how we can help you or your team get to the next level today!