group of professionals in training raising hands

What is Leadership Training?

Here are a few types of leadership training that are available.

In-Person Training

In this era of online and on-demand learning. 39% of leaders said they preferred in-person training. Why? Sitting together in a room is more engaging and interactive and helps promote the exchanging of ideas. In-person is always a good option, if available and scalable.

Virtual Training

There are many leadership training options available digitally, like webinars, videos, and more. This might be a good option when training a large group at once.

Live Seminars and Workshops

These training programs are typically from one to three days long and are essentially presentations on a topic, with the possibility of breakout groups.


A consultant is a combination of in-house training with a live seminar. In these in-person or online meetings, a consultant can address every level of your business. The sessions can be customized, and the training should be thorough.

The training you choose will obviously depend on your need and the size of your organization. All of these methods should deliver varying degrees of success.

Here are a few of the most significant benefits that leadership training offers.

An Increase in Productivity

As your team learns how to lead more effectively, their productivity will naturally increase. They will also help those they lead, and helping team members perform at higher levels. They’ll work smarter, faster, and more easily resolve conflicts to help maintain an enjoyable environment.

Engaged, Confident Employees

One of the primary objectives of any leadership training course is to increase engagement and independence. When a team member is excited and inspired, they’re more productive. They don’t let the details of projects bog them down. They see the bigger picture. They’ll learn how to give and receive meaningful feedback and improve their relationships throughout the organization. Leadership training also promotes independence. A 2016 Grovo study revealed that 87% of managers wish they had received more training before stepping into a leadership position. Training will help your leaders become more connected to your mission and interested in seeing the overall business goals reached.

Reduced Turnover

Team members are far less likely to leave if they feel you care about them and their development. Providing them with the chance to learn and grow does just that. And by learning what makes a leader a great leader will inspire them to plug in and produce like never before.

By keeping your employee retention levels high, you won’t be spending as much money interviewing and onboarding new employees. Invest in your team and equip them to grow into senior roles. That’s money well spent!

As a side benefit, knowing you offer leadership training is also an attractive benefit to job seekers. Top talent understands the importance of ongoing learning and investment.

Better Communication

Leadership development programs introduce the skills needed to persuade and influence people. There are keys to motivating others. They also show the difference between delivering vision and giving orders and abusing power. Your team will also learn how to resolve conflict.

Avoiding Mistakes

Leadership comes with plenty of opportunity to mess up. There are common traps and pitfalls your aspiring leaders can learn to avoid with the right training. Topics like good communication, time management, handling conflict, having productive meetings, goal-setting and more can all be addressed in a good leadership training program.

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