When problems arise, there are two types of people: those who make excuses and those who find a way.
In the midst of a global pandemic, it’s no secret that businesses across the country are facing some tough problems; from economic strife, to canceled appointments, to projects being pushed. While these measures are necessary to prevent disease spread, it can definitely be hard to swallow. What can you do in the meantime to lessen these setbacks?
The RAFT Technique
At Southwestern Coaching, we use a technique called RAFT to help when we’re faced with life’s unexpected problems. RAFT stands for:
R — Realize an event is occurring.
A — Accept the situation.
F — Focus on the controllables.
T — Transform the negative emotion into positive momentum.
Currently, what can we control? We can control our attitude, our hygiene, where we place ourselves and social distancing, our schedule, and our effort. We can’t control external circumstances, others’ actions, rules, and government regulations. Using the RAFT technique puts the situation into perspective and helps us stay focused on our own actions.
For more amazing content on how to enhance your business and elevate your life, request a free workshop or coach consultation.
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