Ron Marks
Breaking The Unwritten Rules of Leadership, Teamwork, and Attitude
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Breaking the Unwritten Rules: Leadership
We are creatures of habit. We think and act based upon patterns of thought, assumptions, the unwritten rules that we “know” to be true. And yet…are they really? How you define leadership sets the stage for who gets involved, how you work together, and what you accomplish.
Breaking the Unwritten Rules: Teamwork
If you want to build a high-performance team, you need to be aware of ALL the rules, defined and unwritten. Build more effective teams by understanding the rules and breaking the ones that are holding you back. Practice effective teamwork in non-threatening situations where the group must work well together in order to succeed.
Breaking the Unwritten Rules: Attitude
Your attitude is a choice that you make every day. Your success or failure is just as much determined by your attitude as by your aptitude. How you think, your patterns of thought, your attitude, is the paintbrush that colors your world. This session highlights individual and organizational strategies for bouncing back in the face of adversity.
About Ron
When it comes to sales, Ron Marks has worked in the trenches and worked his way to the top. He began his career right out of high school with noted sales trainer Tom Hopkins and traveled the world, working closely with Hopkins training sales professionals around the globe. This association gave Ron the unique opportunity to work directly with some of the founders of this industry such as Og Mandino, Norman Vincent Peale, Earl Nightingale, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy, Ken Blanchard, Tony Robbins, and Jim Rohn.
Ron founded one of the most successful sales training companies in 1984, Results Seminars. He operated that company as CEO and President until 2007 when he joined forces with Southwestern Consulting. Never wanting to be someone who “used to do it and now teaches,” Ron has stayed extremely involved in building and managing sales teams. He has worked directly with a number of firms on more dedicated consulting efforts, and he has had great success in raising sales revenues in a variety of different industries.
Managing for Sales Results
John Wiley and Sons published Ron’s book, Managing For Sales Results, which has become one of the bestselling books available, specifically on the topic of sales management and sales leadership development. This book looks at various methods for recruiting salespeople, from the traditional to the radical, and shows you how to make the smartest, most profitable hiring decisions for your team. It argues that sales managers should put more emphasis on coaching and recruiting, making it a priority for your sales organization. With the right recruiting and training strategies, you can find a constant stream of qualified candidates and beat your competitors to the best sales prospects. This is the go-to guide for anyone in sales management as it lays out the critical and actionable behaviors of the world’s greatest sales leaders.
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