Why Book This Speaker
Casey has over 15 years experience delivering high impact keynote speeches and leading highly engaging multi-day training events. He has addressed audiences as large as 5000 and has worked throughout the United States, Europe, Canada, Mexico, and New Zealand.
Similar Speaker: Elizabeth Mahusay – Behavior & Personal Development
Optimism and Breakthroughs! Leading for Rapid Growth Every Single Day
It’s so easy today to become fearful or pessimistic. However, the most successful groups or teams today defy that negative pattern and focus on optimism and the capacity to create an environment that consistently innovates and finds breakthroughs. Leading for rapid growth requires a different mindset and the infusion of consistent strategies that can transform and improve results while making the workplace more fun, inviting, engaging and dynamic. Dr. Casey Reason has authored seven books on these topics and provided executive coaching to CEOs and C Suite leaders from Fortune 100 companies including American Express, General Dynamics, and Origami Owl. He’s worked with school leaders from six countries and trained leaders from churches, prisons, and all levels of government. His breakthrough strategies work, are practical, and lead to rapid growth, every single day!
PLC Live! The View from Inside a Successful, Sustained, and Supremely Confident Professional Learning Community
What is it really like working in a state of the art PLC? Sheridan County School District No 2 has received numerous awards as a PLC exemplar, and their ten-year journey in excellence is the subject of a new book by Dr. Reason entitled Living PLCs: Journeys Inside, Outside, and Straight to the Heart. This session brings audiences back to the most essential elements of a PLC, and shares those lessons through the lens of the practical, Monday-morning-ready experiences of a school district that transformed their practice and their hearts by embracing what it means to be a PLC.
The Anywhere, Anytime Classroom: The Blueprint for Learning from Anywhere!
Technology today allows us to learn from anywhere! Based on his 2017 book The Anywhere, Anytime Classroom: The Blueprint for Learning Online, this session speaks to the aspirational opportunities that exist for improving learning capacities thanks to the mobility of both learners and those that facilitate the learning process. Practical, this presentation also addresses the basic assumptions of what it takes to facilitate high impact learning activities using basic, online technologies. Dr. Casey Reason has more than 20 years of experience in teaching and designing learning at a distance. He designed Grand Canyon University’s first online doctoral degree in leadership studies and collaborated for many years with India’s Tata Group in developing and delivering international, online learning opportunities. This session offers a fun, forward thinking look at learning in a mobile world and offers very practical strategies for keeping learning and the learner at the heart of it all.
About Casey
Dr. Casey Reason is an award-winning author and prominent speaker, coach and thought leader in the areas of organizational behavior and leadership development. He’s also a business development specialist and instructional designer who has used his background in research, pedagogy and digital and blended learning to lead unique growth opportunities for the institutions he’s served.

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